Thursday, February 16, 2012


Cloning, the process of creating genetically identical organisms, is currently a very promising area. Many are researching cloning and its implications on human society.

However, cloning research should be regulated by some kind of enforcer. Without such regulation, cloning research could be dangerous and unethical. If research is not regulated, the scientific community would be the only decider on whether their research has gone too far ethically. They may choose to take drastic means in order to further their research without regards to how they are doing so.

The regulation should most likely be done by the government. Constant inspection by the government with the project to shut down any experiment that proves to be unethical would help bring cloning research in check. Ballets to determine whether the experiment should be shut down would bring the population's opinion on the research to the government.

Regulation can also be done by the benefactor of the experiment. The benefactor, in a sense, could regulate the experiment by withholding the money to support the experiment. However, the ethical question would depend solely on the benefactor. In this case, the government can step in which brings this back to the above paragraph.

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